Friday, September 23, 2005

Howard Stinger, CEO, Sony

Here's a discussion of Sony's recent woes. Sounds pretty interesting.

Personally, I think Sony should lay off all its people and shut down the company - that will cure all their problems. And it will be good for their people too - they will all be picked up by Samsung, LG and other Chinese and Taiwanese manufacturers.

I stil can't fathom as to how a company that literally owned the personal music player space could lose out to an industry outsider like Apple.

As for the legendary Sony quality, these days Samsung quality is a whole lot better than Sony.

Sanjay Kalra

Japan Today - Quote Of The Day - We have made promises before but we failed to execute them. We must fight like the Sony warriors that we are. - Japan's Leading International News Network: "We have made promises before but we failed to execute them. We must fight like the Sony warriors that we are.
Sony CEO Howard Stringer, announcing a major restructuring program."

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