Sunday, November 18, 2007

Service sector jobs - the new panacea for the Indian masses

Here's a well researched report from Wall Street Journal on the growing impact of the service sector jobs - particularly retail jobs - but it raises another question - one reported some time back in Fortune - namely, the demise of small retailers.

Yes, it seems that the coming of big retail to India will generate a lot of service jobs - but perhaps a lot of these service jobs shall be the only options left for small retailers and their employees. The real question still remains - is this trend of service jobs in India just a lateral trend - a shift from unorganized, small business sector to corporate, large business? Not that there's anything wrong with this - India is perhaps a couple of decades behind other Asian countries where this has already happened. However, a deeper analysis of the economic impact is required before we start raising hopes of millions of Indian masses.

What do you think?

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